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A to Z Food America
by World Trade Press
The world's largest database of American food, culture, and recipes.
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Found in: Home, Hobbies, Entertainment | Student Resources
A to Z World Food
by World Trade Press
Contains traditional appetizer, main course, and dessert recipes from 174 countries around the world. Explore recipes by country, browse by ingredients, create your own own recipe list, and more.
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Found in: Home, Hobbies, Entertainment | Student Resources | Travel
Get full access to more than 1,000 award-winning art and craft video classes taught by recognized design experts and artists and downloadable patterns. Requires signing up with an email.
Found in: Children's | Classes and Exam Prep | Home, Hobbies, Entertainment
by Libby
Enjoy over 7,000 high-quality award-winning feature films, box office and film festival hits, classic TV shows, documentaries, pop culture favorites, shorts, and web series from 85 countries. Access content anytime, anywhere from your computer, smartphone, or tablet with a web browser. Loan period is 7 days. Access IndieFlix content through the Libby App under the "Extras" section.
Found in: Home, Hobbies, Entertainment
Qello Concerts
by Libby
Watch over 1,700 full-length concerts and music documentaries on demand from your mobile or tablet device. With new releases every week, the collection spans over 30 genres from the 1920s until now. Access Qello Concerts content through the Libby App under the "Extras" section.
Try Quello Concerts | Tutorial
Found in: Home, Hobbies, Entertainment