Classes and Exam Prep


Get full access to more than 1,000 award-winning art and craft video classes taught by recognized design experts and artists and downloadable patterns. Requires signing up with an email.

Try Creativebug | Tutorial

Found in: Children's | Classes and Exam Prep | Home, Hobbies, Entertainment

Driving Tests

Free driver education program containing practice tests and driver's manuals (car, motorcycle, and CDL), and an FAQ section with detailed answers to 100+ DMV-related questions.

Try Driving Tests

Found in: Automotive | Classes and Exam Prep

Educate Station

Educate Station offers weekly and monthly lesson plans for teachers and home school parents of students in per-kindergarten through 2nd grade.

Try Educate Station

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An Elk Grove Village Public Library card is required to access this resource.

Gale Courses

by Gale / Cengage

Gale Courses offers online courses in computer skills, personal enrichment, medical, financial, and more.

Try Gale Courses | Tutorial

Great Courses

by Libby

Learn everything about anything with access to over 3,500 in-depth and engaging video lectures on subjects like science, history, travel, cooking, and more from award-winning experts and professors from the most respected institutions in the world. Loan period is 7 days. Access Great Courses through the Libby App under the "Extras" section.

Try Great Courses | Tutorial

Learning Express Library


Practice tests for all levels of standardized tests, study guides, skill-building courses, eBooks, and information for students of all ages.

Try Learning Express Library | Tutorial

LinkedIn Learning

by LinkedIn

Get unlimited access to thousands of premier video courses and tutorials taught by industry experts in business, design, management, software, and other fields. An Elk Grove Village Public Library card is required for access.

Try LinkedIn Learning | Tutorial

Mango Languages

An interactive language learning system offering everyday conversational skills; beginning and advanced student coursework; and ESL courses. Register with a valid email or use Mango as a guest.

Try Mango Languages | Tutorial (en) | Tutorial (es)

Download the app: Apple Store | Google Play

Found in: Classes and Exam Prep | Language Learning | Student Resources | Travel

Northstar Digital Literacy

Northstar Digital Literacy tests your computer, software, and technology skills. Build skills in key areas and demonstrate your knowledge by earning certificates and badges. Sign up to start learning now!

Try Northstar Digital Literacy

Rosetta Stone


An interactive and immersive language-learning program available in nearly 30 different languages with over 200 hours of instruction per language.

Try Rosetta Stone | Tutorial

Log in with a valid email and a password on the next screen to access Rosetta Stone.

by Princeton Review offers free live homework help to students in grades 4-12 succeed in Math, Science, Social Studies, and English.

Try | Tutorial

Download the app: Apple Store | Google Play